Wednesday, April 25, 2012


In the middle of the night, when you are asleep
I grab your hand
I squeeze it gently and whisper my heart's desire...silently
I draw sweet lines on your palm, and sing a coy song...quietly
I count your fingers and recount my day's troubles...under my breath
I absorb the warmth of your palms...and shed pearls on to your palm...through my lashes
The moments I have captured of you through the day
I string them together and wrap them around your fingers..

In the middle of the night, I grab your hand..
while you are lost in deep slumber
the words i could not utter in a day lost in dailyness..
the thoughts I could not convey in the clamor of crowds
I put them all in your sleeping hand...and then close my eyes

I know you wake up to open your fist
and unravel my long, folded list
I know you print the seal of acceptance
on my sleeping the middle of the night..