Salad days, "when I was green in judgment;"
Sensible days, ideals tucked into the backmost pocket
of my purse and discretion the better part
Scarlet days when my blood boiled over
To paint my sky crimson and carroty
And then days when I was saintly
When it was all self-pity and righteous piety
My Sinner days, decidedly the happiest
When all lines were grey and delicious
corners darkly mysterious
My blue days, when copious tears drenched seas
And sunshine days when my nerves tingled in silent music
Take away my salad days and the scarlet ones
The blue days and the yellow ones
Give me a clean slate
Give me sheets of emptiness with no edges
Whiteness where I can redefine my hues
Sensible days, ideals tucked into the backmost pocket
of my purse and discretion the better part
Scarlet days when my blood boiled over
To paint my sky crimson and carroty
And then days when I was saintly
When it was all self-pity and righteous piety
My Sinner days, decidedly the happiest
When all lines were grey and delicious
corners darkly mysterious
My blue days, when copious tears drenched seas
And sunshine days when my nerves tingled in silent music
Take away my salad days and the scarlet ones
The blue days and the yellow ones
Give me a clean slate
Give me sheets of emptiness with no edges
Whiteness where I can redefine my hues
Take away the memories of days sensible and sinful
Erase my footprints until the last one moment
Give me a bare canvas, a blank window
Erase my footprints until the last one moment
Give me a bare canvas, a blank window
So that I can begin again with no ado
And engrave a better story for tomorrow
If...there is a tomorrow
And engrave a better story for tomorrow
If...there is a tomorrow